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职场英语:五招教你有效排解工作压力 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2012-11-25 21:13:37 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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         While money concerns usually top work stress, time spent in the cubicle and on the clock has a way of grinding away at even the most well-balanced person's gears. If your workplace anxiety and anger require more than a bubble wrap session try these healthy stress-relieving tactics。

  Decode Your Stressors
  How can you combat the most significant workplace tension triggers? Start by decoding the elements of your day and the tasks and projects you perform that set off your stress meter and how you can change them. If you're generally content with your position, focus on the positive during moments of dread and actively try to fall back in love with your job。
  When in doubt, take a walk around the block and consider talking to your manager about changing things up to keep you motivated and growing. If you experience anxiety all day, spend some time thinking about the bigger picture, your career options, and steps you will need to take to make a larger change。
  Focus on Your Strengths and What You Do Have
  Margaret Wehrenberg co-author of The Anxious Brain has useful advice for how to cope with financial stress and says, "Think about what you’ve got in the now. Focus on what you have instead of what you don’t have."
  《焦虑的大脑》一书的合著者Margaret Wehrenberg针对经济压力提出了很有用的建议,“想一下,你现在拥有的是什么。把注意力放在已经拥有的而非不曾得到的。”

  Clean Off Your Desk
  A cluttered desk can clutter your mind. And a dirty desk is even worse. If you feel tensions rising clean off your space and kill a few germs while you cool off。
  Find an Inexpensive and Healthy Way to Unwind
  Keeping your head clear after a rough day at work isn't easy for anyone. It's crucial to let go of the workday blues when you leave the office by taking time for yourself, but the key is to not rely on retail therapy。

  Get Away
  Vacations can be effective for clearing your head when the stress of every day becomes overwhelming, and most importantly, they allow you to enjoy life without a schedule. Take a walk around the block. Plan a no-email Saturday. Schedule in "me" time。

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